5 Shepherd Dogs

5 Shepherd Dogs

5 Shepherd Dogs

5 Shepherd Dogs

In this exploration, we'll embark on a journey through the fascinating universe of dog breeds. We'll unravel the stories behind their origins, the traits that define their personalities, and the roles they have played throughout history. Whether you're an aspiring dog owner, a canine enthusiast, or simply intrigued by the remarkable diversity of man's best friend, join us as we uncover the captivating world of dog breeds.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

      An ancient breed of herding dogs. There is a legend that the ancestors of this breed were Tibetan shepherd dogs, which came to the Caucasus more than 2 thousand years ago. The main task of this breed was to protect the herd on pastures.

Harsh living conditions and constant combat with wolves have developed in the breed qualities inherent in the best guard dogs of our time, thanks to such qualities as sensitivity and malice, and distrust of strangers. The constitution is strong and rough. The height is above average, the male is at least 65 cm, the female is at least 62 cm. Color - red, fawn, brown, brindle, piebald, spotted. The coat is straight, coarse, the undercoat is lighter. Movement - trot, when accelerating - heavy gait.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd

      The most common breed in the world. The origin of the breed, according to numerous opinions, is attributed to its origins in the Bronze Age wolf. Therefore, some people have an extremely negative association with the breed (echoes of primitive instincts). The breed, as the name implies, was bred in Germany and was exhibited for the first time in 1882 in Hanover.

The breed came to Russia in 1904 and became the most valuable breed of service dogs. An excellent guard dog, but its strong instinct can also become a problem. While defending property, it can rush at anyone who accidentally approaches the house or protected object. The constitution is strong, strong dry. A very proportional dog with strong muscles. The height at the withers of a male is 65-70 cm, that of a female is 61-66 cm. The coat is thick, hard, with a good undercoat. By color - dark gray, light gray, red, black, black with tan. The color of an adult dog is finally determined by the age of one year.

Central asian shepherd dog

Central asian shepherd dog

      By its origin it is close to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is the oldest herding breed and was bred by sheep breeders in Central Asia. The reaction is actively defensive, with a clearly predominant malice. More about character

Height is above average, male is not lower than 65 cm, female is not less than 60 cm. The coat is coarse, straight with a well-developed undercoat. The ears are small and cropped in puppyhood. The characteristic gait is a short trot and gallop.

Scottish Sheepdog

Scottish Sheepdog

      Scottish Sheepdog - Collie. An ideal dog for a family. The extraordinary beauty of the common herding dog is recognized by dog connoisseurs. The breed was developed at the end of the 18th century in Scotland. The breed was brought to Russia in 1904.

Collies have no natural malice; their behavior is calm and distrustful of strangers. Collie sizes are average, male - 55-60 cm, female - 50-55 cm, weight from 18 to 20 kg. The color can be sable and white, tri-color, marbled blue.

South Russian Shepherd Dog

South Russian Shepherd Dog

      South Russian Shepherd - bred in the south of Russia. The ancestors of the breed are considered to be Asturian Shepherd Dogs, imported from Spain and which were crossed with local, Crimean, herding dogs. Height is above average, for males no less than 65 cm, for females no lower than 62 cm.
Behavior is balanced, an active-defensive reaction with pronounced malice predominates. Easy to learn. Color - white, white with yellowness, white and gray with slight spotting, grayish, gray-piebald, fawn. The movements are sweeping, running - a heavy trot, sometimes a gallop.