4 Dog Breeds: A World of Canine Diversity

4 Dog Breeds: A World of Canine Diversity

4 Dog Breeds: A World of Canine Diversity

 Remarkable diversity of dog breeds has emerged, each with its own unique traits, temperament, and history. From the loyal and protective German Shepherds to the playful and friendly Golden Retrievers, the world of dog breeds is as fascinating as it is vast.

Whether you are a dog enthusiast, a potential pet owner, or simply curious about the incredible variety of canine companions, join us on a journey through the rich tapestry of dog breeds that make our world a more delightful and diverse place.


This breed was officially recognized in the first quarter of the twentieth century. The breed originated from dogs such as mastiffs and Dogo Malos, which have an ancient history. In Germany, it was bred by crossing German Bullenbeissers with English bulldogs. The breed is characterized by strength, courage, friendliness, expressed sympathy for children and ease of keeping in an apartment.

      Smooth-haired, medium height (male 63-68 cm, female 58-62 cm), stocky dog with strong limbs. The color is red with different shades and brindle. White spots are allowed on the head, chest and paws. The coat is straight and close-lying. The muzzle is dark. The most important feature of the Boxer breed is strict adherence to the proportions of the head line. The greatest value is the correct shape of the muzzle and the ratio of its size to the skull. The muzzle is short, upturned, and wide. The chin is massive, overbiting is the norm in boxers. The movements are springy, energetic, the posture is proud. Characteristic gallop gait.

The Doberman 

is a versatile working dog. At one time, the breed was bred by L. Doberman, who set out to breed an ideal service dog. He chose the German Pinscher as the starting breed and added the blood of a powerful Rottweiler to it. The ideal height for a male is 68.5 cm, for a female - 65 cm. Significant deviations from the standards are considered a fault. Weak paws and soft pasterns are a fault. The movements are light, elastic, energetic. Compact and strong, develops great speed in the jerk.

One of the largest dogs. By nature he is an intellectual. Particularly distinguished by loyalty and devotion. Easy to train. Along with the undoubted advantages, one of the disadvantages is the short lifespan. This ancient breed is descended from the fighting Molossian Great Dane. Modern breeds were developed in Denmark. In Germany, through serious breeding work, gray and marbled Great Danes were bred.

      For Great Danes, large size is a necessary attribute of the breed. The height at the withers for males should be at least 80 cm, for females - at least 74 cm. According to the constitution - dry, strong, well-developed muscles. The skin is elastic, without folds or sagging. They are distinguished by color into five types: glossy black, blue, brindle, fawn, and harlequin. White color is undesirable. The fault is a speckled, pink nose.


Because of its ability to stay in water for a long time, this breed is also called a “diver” or “rescuer”. The breed is native to the east coast of Canada. Apparently, the breed appeared by crossing ship dogs with local breeds. These strong dogs were trained by local residents to help pull fishing nets. More information about the dog's character can be found here.

   The Newfoundlen gets along well with other animals and is reliable and loyal. He has a special love for children and is not aggressive. The breed is quite large, the height at the withers of a male is at least 66 cm, and that of a female is 63 cm. Training skills are formed slowly, but for a long time.